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Implement a prosumer project
PowerGrid micronetworks.


Energy storage

Heat pumps

Tenant prosumer

Industrial prosumer

Virtual prosumer

BGK Renewable Energy Grant

My Electricity 6.0





Consulting, design, financing arrangement and turnkey implementation.

What do we offer?

Optimal selection of technology for the specific needs of the Prosumer
with full consideration of the regulatory environment and profitability.

Why PowerGrid?

Technology dedicated to the Prosumer

Maximum level of self-consumption

Open architecture ready for additional peripherals

Full qualification of costs under the BGK Renewable Energy Grant

PowerGrid was created as a solution that meets the needs of Prosumers, both individual and owners of multi-family buildings, as well as industrial prosumers.

The use of dedicated generation balanced with energy storage and elements of AI solutions in the area of prediction and continuous consideration of the repeatability of situational patterns allows for achieving spectacularly high levels of self-consumption.

We enable the connection of the PowerGrid solution with EV chargers
and heat pumps, we integrate
and we balance distributed systems.

Our solution takes into account the possibilities offered by the structure of energy cooperatives.

PowerGrid includes devices
and solutions fully eligible as costs reimbursed by
BGK Renewable Energy Grant. We take into account
fully specific PV technology
and the hourly billing model for Prosumers and its consequences.


PowerGrid Technology

PowerGrid technology uses, among others, the proprietary solution of our partner, TESLA Energy Holding a/s. Over 160 micro-networks implemented and operating within the TESLA EH a/s capital group gives us the confidence to offer micro-network construction and management services.

Our jointly completed portfolio includes:

  • PV power plants with a total capacity of over 250 MWp;

  • energy storage facilities with a capacity of over 25 MWh;

  • full integration of renewable energy sources: PV/wind/CHP with peripherals: battery energy storage and EV charging stations;

  • own dedicated BMS/EMS class IT systems managing the micro-network, using AI spectrum tools: EDIS24 and EMAN24;

  • industrial measurement and automation aimed at shaping and optimizing the consumption band to the market situation;

  • EMTS solutions dedicated to participation in the capacity market (DSR) and management of the trading position of the 15-minute dynamic tariff market.

The PowerGrid solution optimises the economics of managing surplus energy generation, enabling its resale at the most profitable time, which is key to profitability.

exc-ll sp. z o.o.  KRS : 0001046644, NIP : 7123458355, REGON : 52581536500000, e-mail :, mobile : + 48 511 190 918

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